The Importance of Regular Dental Visits

 In Dental Education

It may seem unimportant, something that can be left for a month, and then another and another, as you go about your life in this crazily busy world. However visiting your Mississauga dentist at least twice a year is one of the best things that you can do to avoid pain, keep your smile at peak performance, and have a better chance of being healthy enough to keep up with the hectic pace of life in the future.

Hidden in the oral cavity which houses the tongue, teeth, and gums, is one of the principal keys to healthy living. But it’s a key that will only work if it’s kept in good condition with a regular oral hygiene program and six-monthly visits to the dentist.

Looking for Trouble – and Solutions

Dentistry has moved closer and closer to mainstream medicine with the realization of the close tie between the two professions. And this has led to both health care sectors taking teeth and their function more and more seriously, and emphasising the importance of check-ups in both fields.

These visits which once which were once all about filling cavities that already existed, have become a vital part of preventative dentistry aimed at preserving long-term health. This involves keeping your teeth as sound as possible, and implementing any necessary changes needed.

A regular visit lets your dentist get to know you and your dental and medical history and at the same time, you can to tell him or her about any changes you have noticed when cleaning your teeth. This alerts the dentist to be on the lookout for any unexpected changes, and deal within any trouble spots when they first arise.

This ups the chance of a good outcome in a bad situation, and the outcomes could be anything but good. The trouble areas spotted could be the onset of gum disease and bone loss, which have been linked to general health problems like heart disease and strokes. And they could also reveal the possible onset of oral cancer.

What Happens During a Dental Visit?

  • The visit will include a professional cleaning session aimed at removing the stubborn plaque and tartar deposits on your teeth in places that are hard for you to access at home. Should these bacterial intruders have already moved beneath the gum-line and are starting to damage the soft tissue at the roots of your teeth, the dentist may recommend scaling and planing to clean away the deposits.
  • A thorough inspection of your mouth, with or without the added assistance of X-Rays, establishes the current status quo. This enables your dentist to fill existing cavities as well as spot and deal with any other irregularities, and pick up those tell-tale signs of trouble to come.
  • He or she will also study the condition of existing fillings, which, if you’ve had them for around a decade or so, could be nearing replacement time. Old fillings can crack or loosen and create gaps underneath. If this happens, it provides for the easy and unnoticed entry of plaque and tartar, which could destroy the rest of the tooth without your even knowing it.

After studying the current situation in your mouth, the dentist will be in a good position to assess your future needs. Possible procedures may be suggested, and advice given on any changes you may need to make to your dental care program at home. Don’t miss the chance – it’s in your, and your health’s, best interest.

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